(Pictured at 03 Years)



Grace is cheeky, outgoing, enthusiastic, and affectionate.   First up and over to us when she hears us enter the room, Grace has the sweetest disposition.  A real mixture of her Mum, Yaana, and Dad, Darvo, in looks, but personality wise she is her Dad through and through.  Tireless and always ready to go, Grace is constantly looking for fun.  She loves cuddles and kisses, to be as close to us as possible, and she hums when she's happy.  Grace's hips are: R08/L11=19;  Elbows 2/2. Grace has been DNA profiled and had her eyes ophthalmologist cleared. Below are more pictures of Grace and a copy of her pedigree.

Please click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture.

Grace - 05 Weeks Grace - 08 Weeks Grace - 11 Weeks Grace - 06 Months Grace - 07.5 Months Grace - 08 Months Grace - 10.5 Months Grace - 15 Months Grace - 15 Months Grace - 16 Months
Grace - 17 Months Grace - 19 Months Grace - 20 Months Grace - 20 Months Grace - 20.5 Months Grace - 22.5 Months Grace - 24 Months Grace - 24 Months Grace - 24 Months Grace - 30 Months
Grace - 30 Months Grace - 30 Months Grace - 03 Years Grace - 03 Years Grace - 03.5 Years Grace - 03.5 Years Grace - 03.5 Years Grace - 03.5 Years Grace - 03.5 Years Grace - 04 Years
Grace - 04 Years Grace - 04.5 Years Grace - 04.5 Years Grace - 04.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years Grace - 05.5 Years
  Click here for Grace's pedigree  

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